Karin Marshall – Assistant Headteacher

Standards and Achievement, Maplefields School 2011
"We are a 4-16 years BESD provision in Northamptonshire. Our journey began in March 2006 when the secondary provision was in special measures. It was a period of instability with frequent changes of Head teacher and staff well-being was not part of the daily vocabulary! Our challenge was to implement the whole school Quality Circle Time model and to raise awareness of and improve staff emotional health and well-being. The vision was shared with the governors and the senior leadership team and through whole staff training. Practical changes to the school day were implemented quickly by changes in the timetable and introducing Circle Time, Golden Rules, Golden Time and Zoning the Playground to encourage positive play activities. Golden rules were reflected in colourful displays and as computer screensavers! By June 2006 we were out of special measure and pupils were feeling safer, behaviour for learning was improving, there was an emphasis on a clear, shared and valued behaviour policy with a system of incentives and sanctions in place. By September 2007 Maplefields became a lead special school in Northamptonshire for primary and secondary SEAL. In December 2009 Maplefields gained “outstanding” from OFSTED and the pupils, parents and staff celebrated their success. Becoming an ‘Outstanding Special School’ is extremely rewarding and gaining the QCT ‘Gold Award’ from Jenny Mosley is something I particularly cherish A ‘Golden Moment’ for us all!"
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