“Learning Should Be Fun” – Teach First Training for NQTs Sat 4th February 2017

I’m averse to doing presentations on a Saturday – but this one was entitled ‘Learning Should Be Fun’ so I had to stop my sour lemon face and beam smiles instead. It was easy to beam smiles because I was working with young enthusiastic teachers for Teach First – it’s a privilege to inspire teachers at the beginning of their career and give them ideas which are going to be such fun that the children will love them forever. Aristotle wrote “There is no learning without laughter coming from the classroom”. And A.R.I.S.E (Association Of Research Into The Science Of Emotions) claims that laughter reduces tension, adds joy and mostly importantly creates a positive attitude.



Website Manager’s Notes
1. Jenny Mosley runs successful and transformative positive behaviour for learning, circle time and social skills, and lunchtimes and playtimes training

–Click Here to see all forthcoming public conferences that anyone can attend.

2. Many schools book Jenny Mosley for a training day, conference or a Working In School Day. Without shutting the school, Jenny holds staff meetings, observable circle times with pupils, works in the dining hall and playgrounds and feeds back everything to staff via meetings. For enquiries about Working in School Days, please phone 01225 767157 or email circletime@jennymosley.co.uk. (Many schools follow a WISD day with an INSET day so that they can fully work through the ideas with Jenny.)

3. For all other training enquiries – including our popular open conferences held around the country through the year for better behaviour for learning, improved social and communication skills, circle times, working with parents as partners and more, phone 01225 767157 or email circletime@jennymosley.co.uk.

4. Resources to support all Jenny’s training are available on our website shop.