Enjoying the company of your friends’ children!

What has struck me this year is how important, wise and funny some of our friends’ children are.  I’ve always loved them – my own children would always complain that I extolled their virtues too much because I wasn’t their parent and didn’t see “their bad side”.  Well I like not seeing bad sides, and I like it that they like me and that I don’t have to tell them off!!!  And now they’re older it’s even better because we love the same things.

Above is a picture of my friends Sarah and Phil’s daughter – Helen.  We had just sneaked off in Glastonbury and found a cocktails van where we glugged a few.  Then, cocktails in hand, we had just seen a naked young man about to  be shot from a canon with a waiting 10 year old and his upheld fishing net ready to catch him.  We then went on to catch the sweetest octogenarian cabaret trio in the circus tent who were also genuinely glugging real champers whilst teaching everyone to juggle.  Having fun, dressing up, being silly and playing all take a bit of nerve and self-confidence.

The first book I ever wrote was ‘She Who Dares Wins’ (Anita Roddick championed women’s self-esteem so she wrote the foreword).  The book ‘morphed’ into the book Personal Power and we have 5 copies to give away. See below to enter the giveaway!  I hope you have enjoyed some really fun, down time over the summer too!


Website Editor’s Notes

1. To win a copy of Personal Power, just email jenny@jennymosley.co.uk telling Jenny in one sentence why you would like to win a book. You may request a catalogue at the same time if you wish but this does not affect your chances in the giveaway promotion.

2.  Terms and conditions – the first five people to email this address will win one copy each of the book, no further copies will be given away. There is no cash value or cash alternative to this offer. Winners must provide name and address in order that we can send the book out! The giveaway promotion will end at the end of September 2015.

3. Jenny works with schools and early years settings training staff on staff well-being, positive behaviour, lunchtimes and playtimes, circle time and social skills and more. Phone 01225 767157 to find out more.

4. Resources to back up Jenny’s work are available on the website, click here for resources.