First Day Back!

For those schools on a similar timescale to us, there will be lots of first day back photos, first day back nerves, first day back last minute shopping trips and, hopefully, first day back smiles over the next few days! But wow, here we all are!

Firstly, we would like to say a huge ‘Welcome Back’ and ‘Thank You’ to all teachers, teaching assistants, midday supervisors, administration teams, people who do all sorts of work to keep schools up and running and school leadership teams for being there for children after all the trials and tribulations of the last year and a half. You all have our admiration and thanks.

We would also like to add a big hello and ‘hang on in there’ for all staff and their families in countries that are still in lockdown and with everyone doing their best to keep things going. You have all of our sympathies and thoughts and we hope that things can soon settle back down for you. (Our great friend, Maggie Dent, has some wonderful advice on coping and thriving during lockdown in Australia on her Facebook page.)

Today is Jenny’s first day back, training all day in a lovely school, for the first time in many months. Face to face training with an external trainer has been nigh on impossible, even when schools went back due to the bubbles and travels so this is a big day for us – and a wonderful one at that!

Jenny is delivering an exciting Powerfully Positive Lunchtimes and Playtimes Closure Inset day to help everyone involved in lunchtimes at the school off to great start to the new academic year. The school has prioritised Lunchtimes and Playtimes as a key area. We wish all the staff and pupils there all the very best for the academic year 2021 / 2022.


Website Editor’s Notes

If you are interested in finding out more about Jenny’s face to face training, please complete the online enquiry form on our website Here or email

Jenny has developed some really useful, accessible and practical online packages and webinars over the last year to help schools to keep their CPD going through difficult times. You can see the online resources Here.

Lots of books and resources, posters of the Golden Rules, Five Skills, Playground Rules and Dining Hall rules and much more are in the webshop Here.