Category Archives: Uncategorized

Circle Times, School Closures and Total Disruption

Amidst the anxiety, total disruption and partial or complete school closures, it was really good [...]

The Magic Touch – helping children feel a sense of belonging and attachment

Here I am relaxing in a home-built tent, having a rest with the nursery ‘dog’. [...]

Magical Kuwait – and the Five Skills Posters

Returning from my recent trip to work in Kuwait Bilingual School has given me a [...]

I’m So Lucky – Training At A Magical Marshland School – With Water Buffalo!

I am so LUCKY.  I’ve always attributed my bounciness to the fact that I’m a [...]

Oracy Training in South Wales, January 2019 – A Crucial Life Skill – Boosted by Schools, with Jenny and Circle Time

‘Oracy is a crucial skill – we’re in danger of producing a generation unable to [...]

Peer Support, Unconditional Positive Warmth, Friendships and Family Circles

Over the past few years, the needs of children have become even more complex. Never [...]

Can It Be That Ofsted’s Plans To Overhaul Inspections Mean That We Have Finally Reached The Tipping Point –

Yipeeeee… finally it looks like we have reached the Tipping Point… I loved Malcolm Gladwell’s [...]

A Heart-Warming TTT Closing Moment and Remembering The Importance of the Light Inside Us All

This image shows how I have just tried to recreate the atmosphere and gentle calming [...]

When the IT Team Come To The Rescue on White Chargers – A Thank You Cake

Hi Everyone. Isn’t this cake amazing!! I wanted to thank our IT company for all the help [...]

The Way to Visions and Values – Through Clear Rules

Over the last few years lots of schools have gone down the route of having [...]