I Am Back

Hello everyone… I am so SORRY! I thought, during this period, I would be a source of ancient (‘tis how I feel!) wisdom and understanding, tapping into an ability to cheer my readers up. Well – the poor old blog has, like various other things around my house, been left to rot. I am not impressed with myself a bit. No shiny fortitude, no spontaneous bursts of energy – and very few random acts of kindness. Just a persistent heavy, restless fogginess that the sunlight could only pierce for short bursts of time. But what a piercing! In those sun-lit hours, I would walk resolutely through sun-baked creviced fields in such beauty. Walks I never knew existed. Within walking distance of a house I have lived in for 35 years. Then, some weeks ago now, despite the occasional hostile farmer muttering about the danger of bank hemlock I went swimming in rivers. Bathing in bursting transcendence. Everything shimmering and sharp. The iridescent blue of mayflies. The soft stroking of reeds. It was a wake-up call I needed. I burst out of the water ready to re-enter the now strange landscape of staff and children. So dear World Of Work – I am back in – shirt sleeves rolled up – ready to rock and roll. Not quite. But yes, dear reader, I have finally got my act together and have been beavering away on a very important project which I think you will love and I just want to echo what my friend’s five year old granddaughter Madeleine wrote, “I am missing you world”. Next blog coming up with a new sensible helpful me.