Jenny is delighted to be flying out to New Zealand this week to be a key presenter at this year’s highly acclaimed NZ RTLB (New Zealand Resource Teachers; Learning and Behaviour Association) Conference 2012.
The conference is entitled: “Transformation – Better than Before; Te huringa ketanga – kia whai hua kia angitu” 26-29 September 2012
The RTLB Waikato Conference Committee have chosen the theme to reflect recent changes to the RTLB service.NZRTLB Association Conferences, that have run annually for the past 12 years, have traditionally been well supported, with an average of 500 RTLB attending, with this year’s conference being held in Hamilton.
The conference is due to focus on raising Maori achievement and improving student engagement and academic levels.
Key Presenters include:
Lane Clark, Canada –“ Human Cognitive Architecture and Cognitive Load”.
Dr Terry Scott, USA – an expert in PB4L
Jenny Mosley, England – ‘Quality Circle Time’
Sir Ray Avery, 2010 New Zealander of the Year.
We very much look forward to hearing all about this important event on the New Zealand educational calendar.