Jenny Mosley TES Article 1st May 2015 – How Circle Time can turn around learning

250x167_photo-60We were thrilled that Jenny’s article was published in the TES on 1st May 2015, discussing the need for balance within the curriculm and ensuring that there is time and space for circle time, listening and the development of social skills. The TES blog about the article provides some background to it. (The article itself can be seen in the TES paper or for subscribers on their phone app.)

Circle time needs to be a fixture in both primary and secondary schools, but the practice is at risk of falling out of use, according to a former government adviser. In the 1 May issue of TES, Jenny Mosley says that circle time is often sacrificed in an increasingly crowded curriculum.

“In primaries, weekly circle time is much more common with younger ­children – perhaps because their teachers have more timetable flexibility,” she writes. “But in the older years, it tends to happen only after a problem has occurred between students. As for secondaries, I’m not sure if circle time is now used ­regularly at all – other than by a few brave and enthusiastic PSHE or special educational needs teachers.”

The reason for this is partly a lack of understanding about the benefits circle time can bring to students of all ages, but it is also, she says, a failure to properly train teachers in the technique.

“There is strong evidence that strategies such as ­circle time are incredibly ­effective – not just for student well-being but for achievement, too,” she says. “So how can we bring circle time back to the forefront of what we do in schools? The answer lies in keeping to the vision of holistic education, which demands that we maintain a balance. And we also need to address teacher training: I regularly meet teachers who have never been taught how to implement circle time or active group work of any kind.”

To bridge the training gap, Mosely provides a six-step plan for effective circle time in the 1 May issue.

To see the full blog article that announces the article in the TES.


Website Manager’s Notes:

1.  Jenny Mosley runs successful and transformative positive behaviour for learning, circle time and social skills, and lunchtimes and playtimes training –Click here to see all forthcoming public conferences that anyone can attend.

2. Many schools book Jenny Mosley for a training day, conference or a Working in School Day. For enquiries about training workshops, keynotes and open conferences, please phone 01225 767157 or email

3. For all other training enquiries – better behaviour for learning, improved social and communication skills, circle times, working with parents as partners and more, phone 01225 767157 or email

4. Resources to support all Jenny’s training are available on our website 

5. For a website link to the TES Click Here.