My New Zealand Trip 2012

Jenny had another trip to the stunning New Zealand! Read about how Circle Time fits beautifully in New Zealand!

OMG – where to start?  I’ll start with the New Zealand trip before I forget it!  I just love New Zealanders, they’re down-to-earth, tell it as it is, warm hearted and intensely practical.  It’s my sixth work trip to New Zealand over a decade so it’s brilliant when you start to build relationships with individual schools and their supporters. NZ is actively engaged in promoting dual cultural heritage. I am humbled by the commitment of many to honour Maori customs and culture – certainly this happens at many of the functions I attend.

What I love about well structured circle time is that it’s purpose is to honour each child’s social and cultural context and their way of viewing the world. I have talked in earlier blogs about how circle time is very like the Maori “Hui”. I will take the liberty of telling you a little bit about it … I hope you have time for a quick read as it will warm your heart.

The Marae, sacred open meeting area, is the area of greatest mana, the place of greatest spirituality; the place that heightens people’s dignity, and the place in which Māori customs are given ultimate expression.

He aha te mea nui? What is the greatest thing?
He tangata! It is people, He tangata!
He tangata! It is people, He tangata! It is people.

People may be called to a “hui” on the Marae. The literal meaning of “hui” is to congregate, to gather together. As opposed to other meetings, “hui” are usually run according to Māori protocol. If the “hui” concerns a dispute between two parties, both sides present their argument, and an agreement is reached at the end according to consensus. Otherwise, a further “hui” is called for. The “hui” takes place in a circle.  (Interestingly this is like the Anglo-Saxon monks who use to sort out disputes by standing on the moot which was a circle – hence the term a moot point!!)

I believe that Circle Time just fits in beautifully with what New Zealand education is demanding of its teachers – but it’s universally what everybody should be demanding of it’s teachers – in Circle Time we honour each other by listening and speaking, which in turn, leads to the one unifying quality which, if owned by each of us, would lead to world peace, i.e. empathy.

Web Manager’s Note

Jenny was a key presenter at this year’s highly acclaimed NZ RTLB (New Zealand Resource Teachers; Learning and Behaviour Association) Conference 2012 entitled: “Transformation – Better than Before; Te huringa ketanga – kia whai hua kia angitu”. NZRTLB Association Conferences have run annually for the past 12 years with an average of 500 attending. The focused on raising Maori achievement and improving student engagement and academic levels.

Key Presenters included:
Lane Clark, Canada –“ Human Cognitive Architecture and Cognitive Load”.
Dr Terry Scott, USA – an expert in PB4L
Jenny Mosley, England – ‘Quality Circle Time’
Sir Ray Avery, 2010 New Zealander of the Year.

Jenny has contributed to many international conferences over the last few years – to find out more about International partnership work and conferences, please CLICK HERE and phone 01225 767157 or email