Yippee – Vaccination day!

So, lovely readers (please let there be some!), here’s me going out the front door to receive the all-important little jab of future safety. First time I’ve dressed up in ages. If I wasn’t so vain, so conflicted about my age, I would have given you the ‘before’ photo; old ‘trackies’, no make-up, small puffy eyes, hair scraped back … but not today – sanity kick-started a proper ‘dress-up’ hat ‘n all – and off to the Health Centre I went. By the way all those bright yellow-chested people in car parks and ticking you in and out – are volunteers! Aren’t people wonderful. In fact, you are all wonderful. I love Charlie Mackey’s book and this quote in particular:

“Sometimes,” said the horse
“Sometimes what?” asked the boy.
“Sometimes just getting up and carrying on is brave and magnificent.”

Charlie Mackesy


You wonderful people on the front line are brave and magnificent.

Look out for the next blog – it’s something we’re working on to help you stay magnificent despite all the ambushes.


Website Editor’s Notes

Jenny has been busy thinking of ways to support school staff, adults in caring roles and children during this time and has four new online resources to peruse –  you can see them by clicking HERE. And we will be writing about them in future blogs.

The charming quote in this blog came from a beautiful little book called – The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy