Showcasing Watercliffe Meadow Golden School – An Inclusive Climate for Learning with Jenny Mosley and Teachers, MDSAs and Pupils Talk from the Heart

The wonderful Watercliffe Meadow School is the first of Jenny Mosley’s Golden Schools to open its doors for teachers and children to talk about what they have achieved as a way of sharing best practice. Read all about what is going to happen in January 2013 and this school’s amazing journey to excellence.

The wonderful Watercliffe Meadow School is the first of Jenny Mosley’s Golden Schools to open its doors for teachers and children to talk about what they have achieved as a way of sharing best practice. In January 2013 the school is due to host two innovative training days entitled:  An Inclusive Climate for Learning – Establishing an inclusive Climate for Learning that also supports the health and well-being of all children and adults.

The course leader on Day 1 is Jenny Mosley and on Day 2 delegates will meet and talk to the school’s staff and pupils and hear about the school’s journey to excellence. The areas to be investigated are: staff circle times, listening systems, playtimes, Golden Time, celebrating ‘Always Children ‘ and looking after ‘Children Beyond’ the usual systems and action planning.

Watercliffe Meadow School – A Little Background

Watercliffe Meadow, situated in an area of high deprivation, in Sheffield is a new-build primary school that opened in 2008 after the closure of three schools. The majority of children come into school well below age-expected levels. In 2011 the school was awarded the Hello Shine A Light Communication Friendly Award for Primary Schools. The award was sponsored by Pearson Assessment and celebrates good practice and achievmenet by the children’s workforce in developing the communication skills of the children. The school, led by Linda Kingdon, Ian Read and Claire Bradley, tackled the speech and language deficit that children entering the school brought with them. They developed workshops and employed their own speech and language therapist to come into school every week and work with children and families.

Watercliffe’s special award and information about their achievements was reported in an article by NASEN (National Association Special Education Needs). The article quoted:

“Q: You have received lots of praise for innovating, but what makes your school unique?

A: The ‘whole-schoolness’. When people visit they say how happy it is here. There is a consistency across the school and there is a whole-school commitment and understanding.”

Since the opening of Watercliffe Meadow School in September 2008, staff have worked tirelessly to create an inclusive learning climate that ‘walks the talk’. The school aims to show everyone how they implement Jenny’s model as a system, linked to the school’s procedures, which supports the social and emotional well-being of all children and adults in school and creates a climate in which all children can thrive.

The Watercliffe Two-Day Course January 2013

DAY 1 Thursday 24th January

A day with Jenny exploring her QCT model

Re-energising Circle Time – using the Quality Circle Time model to promote self-esteem, respect, positive behaviour and learning.

Listening Systems – how to implement listening systems at a whole school, class and individual level to ensure emotional health and well-being.

Powerfully Positive Lunchtimes

Help your school have calmer and more productive lunchtimes. Tried and tested ideas, which can be used immediately.

Staff Morale – at the heart of Jenny’s model is the importance of maintaining high staff morale.

DAY 2 Friday 25th January

Meet our teachers and children and hear about our journey

Staff Circle Time – join our staff circle time and learn about the ‘SPICE’ model for looking after staff well-being.

Listening Systems – see the listening systems in action and learn how they fit within our safeguarding procedures.

Plan for Play – see for yourself how children’s ‘social times’ can be ‘happy and calm’ and also be an important part of the curriculum.

Golden Time – see Golden Time in action with over 300 children.

Understand how we celebrate our ‘always children’ and look after our ‘children beyond’.

Action Plan – The second day will finish with time to reflect and start putting together an action plan to take back to your school.

Website Manager’s Note

Jenny Mosley has loved working with Watercliffe Meadow School staff to help them turn the school round. Jenny works in partnerships with many local authorities, schools and settings to improve the communication skills, level of respect and the promotion of moral values.

To learn more about how Jenny Mosley’s Whole School model and how it can help your local authority, school or setting, phone 01225 767157 or email