Working With ‘Teachit’ – Creating Top Tips for Wellbeing and Playground Games

This is great news! We were really pleased to be approached by Bath-based ‘Teachit’ – and we were invited to write some articles for them for their readers. Jenny wrote a twof great articles, both of which included a Top Tips section which Teachit were pleased to publish. Each publication consisted of an introductory article then a downloadable Top Tips document on the following:

  • Teachit Primary Tips – Tips for Wellbeing by Jenny Mosley 

These were very well-timed as they came out just before SATS week – to give teachers some further ideas in their ‘toolkit’ for providing a calm and peaceful classroom.

  • Teachit Primary Tips – Tips for Happier Playtimes by Jenny Mosley

Summer playgrounds can be a bundle of fun – and these top tips gave great ideas on keeping everyone active and happy with loads of ideas! Here are a couple of screen shots from the website. (It was lovely to see that the newsletters had a fantastic response, with a record click-through rate increase!)


We were also very happy to donate some of our lovely colourful book sets to the hard-working teachers and schools within the Teachit scheme to help keep child wellbeing and healthy, happy playground games high on the agenda. We gave some copies of Playground Games, Clapping Games and Skipping Games – all to create a buzz in summer playgrounds. These books were the prizes for some great Facebook competitions.

It was therefore really rewarding to see some Facebook feedback! One of the winners loved our resources because, she wrote, “I have year 6 children who are now teaching the younger children games from these resources”.  Another lucky winner wrote: “Thank you very much! I look forward to to sharing these with the children at my school 😉😉😉”

So, Teachit, many thanks for bringing us in to your work and we look forward to working with you again!



Website Managers Notes

  1. The Teachit Primary website is here:
  2. Jenny Mosley is available for wellbeing, better behaviour and lunchtimes and playtimes INSET training days, Working In School Days and for different length projects involving several schools for schools training.
  3. Find out about booking Jenny or attending open training conferences around the country throughout the year. Jenny also excels as an educational presenter at schools conferences, LA conferences and Headteacher conferences.
  4. The areas of Jenny’s expertise include staff wellbeing trainingtraining for mental health and wellbeingtraining for positive behaviour for learningearly years trainingtraining for midday supervisors and lunchtime supervisors, to promote calm dining halls and healthy, active playgroundsJenny’s resources support all her areas of training and are available form her webshop.
  5. Do get in touch if we can help! Phone 01225 767157 or email or use the contact form on our website.